Begin by pressing the Ctrl + Alt + Delete key on your keyboard at the same time.
This will bring you to the next screen. Click "Change Password"
Which will bring you to this next screen.
Your password must contain:
* At least 12 Characters
* At least 1 Uppercase letter
* At least 1 Lowercase letter
* At least 1 Digit
* At least 1 Special character, i.e. !@#$%^
* Must not contain your username.
* Must not contain OGH or the word "Password."
* Must not repeat any of your previous passwords.
Verify that your username is in the first box.
Type your current password in the next box.
Type your new password in the third box.
Type your new password again in the fourth box.
Press the Enter key on the keyboard or click the next arrow to change your password.
Note*: Once you change your password, it will take up to an hour to sync before the changes are reflected on your email account.